The Pain is Real, but so is Hope

 In Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental illness touches each and every one of us at some time in our lives.  Whether it be mild depression, severe anxiety, or addiction.  One of the most challenging and heartbreaking things to endure is watching a loved one suffer with mental illness and or addiction.  We lose all hope and our faith just doesn’t seem enough.  We want to talk about our fears and anxieties, but are seized by fear, shame, and pride.  The stigma of mental illness and addiction is simply too pervasive in our society, and thus does not allow us to seek help.  When the stigma is so strong, the disease of mental illness and addiction wins.

We at Holy Spirit want to break that stigma and bring back dignity, hope and strength to those that suffer and those that love the ones suffering.  Holy Spirit is starting a new mental health ministry program to help those suffering with mental illness, and their families.  Our goal is to awaken that HOPE anew through an 8-week scripture-based program designed to provide spiritual and practical tools that will give comfort and hope to the afflicted and their loved ones. We will meet in small, safe, and welcoming groups once a week.  Though the course outline is defined, the program encourages sharing and discussion about struggles and fears.

We hope to launch this program by the end of June, and intend to start with families and loved ones of those suffering.  Questions?  Call Pastoral Care, Leah Harris at 408-997-5110

Please click on this link if you are interested in joining this much needed program.

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