New Lens of Faith

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I remember growing up as a kid, my parents took us to Easter Vigil Mass back at my home parish in Santa Clara. I HATED it! It was long…so many readings! The only saving grace for me was playing with the candle we were all given at the start. Even when I got older, in middle school, I was assigned to altar serve the Vigil. Me and my fellow altar servers would goof around…yes I was one of those kids.


However, after receiving Confirmation my freshmen year of high school, I found a new appreciation for my faith. Instead of being forced to go to Mass, I wanted to go to Mass. Instead of being forced to altar serve, I altar served as much as I could…even serving when I wasn’t scheduled.


And then back to Easter Vigil Mass, with this new lens of faith, I keenly paid attention to the movements of the 2.5+ hour Liturgy. My favorite part: witnessing the elect being fully initiated into our Catholic faith. How meaningful of a moment for those who long to enter into our Church, who desire to have Jesus enter into their lives, and to be welcomed into the community.


This most recent Easter Vigil that we celebrated, I stood up with my eyes gazed at the Baptismal font that we projected up on the screen, and Fr. Ritche, immersing those people into the water. Such a wonderful moment for these folks. I thought to myself, if I could re-live my own Baptism or Confirmation, I would do so in a heartbeat as I know now how meaningful and how powerful it is.


And this is what I desire for the 60 youth who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday. For most, they have spent two years in formation. I hope and pray that they can be fully present and fully aware as they receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and have this bear fruit in their lives.


So please join me in prayer for these young Candidates. And continue to pray for them as they live out their lives to Evangelize – to spread the Good News of our Lord.



Row David

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