Children’s Ministry

Answering Christ’s call to holiness

Christian Initiation of Children and Youth and Adults(RCIC) and (RCIA)  is a process designed to prepare adults and children, and their families, for the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist). If your child has been baptized in another Christian Church, we will not baptize her/him again, but will welcome her/him into the Catholic Church.

There are several elements which are basic to the preparation:

  • It is a process marked by liturgical rites which are celebrated with the community;
  • It is celebrated around the Sunday readings and includes attending Mass;
  • It includes weekly children sessions for faith sharing and discussion;
  • It includes parent sessions.

For more info, contact Jane Thompson at 408-997-5121or jane.thompson@dsj.org.

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