Survival Sack Ministry

Giving Back

Holy Spirit Parish staffs and manages the Survival Sack Program at Sacred Heart Community Center. We gather on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 8:30 am to 10:45 am to distribute Survival Sacks to those who are registered as homeless and living on the streets of San Jose. Homeless clients may pick up a backpack once every three months. The backpacks contain a small blanket, socks, underwear, a large hygiene kit, gloves, hat, toilet paper and a water bottle. Tarps donated by Holy Spirit Parish (Turkeys and Tarps Drive) may also be available.

If you are over the age16 and are interested in volunteering with this ministry on August 15, September 5th and/or September 19th of 2024, please go to  to sign up.

If you want more information, please contact Tom Burgei or Patty O’Neil at or call 408-504-0909 to learn more about this volunteer opportunities.

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