Their Call is Our Call!

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most beautiful teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. In it, Jesus provides the foundation of what the Kingdom of God should look like and what it means to be His follower.


It is interesting that before Jesus gave the Beatitudes, He went up the mountain. As He stood, Jesus saw the people, He embraced them and loved them. In fact, He called them Blessed. Jesus sees them in a different way, not as humans see, but how God sees. The gospel continues with Jesus inviting the people to be salt and light- that is to bring flavor, life, light and hope to everyone and everything they encounter.


Although these words of Jesus were heard more than two thousand years ago, they continue to challenge us today. The mission of the first disciples remains our very mission today.


We live in a world and time that is hungering and longing to experience Christ in their lives. And that experience is realized through us. As I have said in the past, we are the hands, feet, heart, and eyes of Jesus. We are the ones who go out to the peripheries to be light to those in darkness and salt who find life to be “blah.”


But we are aware that the many ministries of the Church cannot continue without funding. That is the reason for the Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA). The ADA is the main source of funding to ensure that these programs and ministries not only continue, but flourish. This year’s ADA theme is “Supporting our Mission Together.” Yes, the Church is calling all of us to work together.


Last week we launched our 2023 Annual Diocesan Appeal with a goal of $300,000. I am asking all of us to pray for the success of this year’s appeal. Because of your generosity and commitment to our parish, Holy Spirit has always surpassed its goal. Thank you! This year, I am praying and hoping for the same commitment and generosity. Our campaign runs for 10 weeks ending before Easter. I am praying and hoping for a pledge of $350 per registered household. As Matt Salkeld said in his talk, this is a pledge of $35/month or $1.16 a day for the next 10 months.


Anything collected over and beyond the goal will be given back to the parish. I have allotted any rebate for the replacement of our 15-year-old sound system. It will also help us continue to enhance the programs and ministries we have in the parish.


On behalf of Bishop Oscar Cantu, Fr. John, and the rest of the parish staff, I thank you all in advance for praying and responding to this call to “Support our Mission Together.

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