Family Consecration to Mary

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During this month of May, we will celebrate Mother’s Day on the 12th .  In the church, May is also traditionally dedicated to Mary in a special way to honor her and seek her intercession as the Mother of God and Mother of the Church. Let us consecrate ourselves to Mary as a family under God: 

Family Consecration to Mary 

Queen of heaven and earth, our life, our sweetness, and our hope, on this day we come before you to consecrate ourselves to you as your possession and property. We praise God because He has brought us together to give ourselves to you, our Mother. We do this because Jesus said on the Cross, “Behold your Mother.”
We need you, Mother Mary, to help us to be a truly Catholic family. Enter into our family life. Repeat to us the words you spoke at Cana, “Do whatever He tells you.”
Help us to overlook one another’s faults, to forgive as Jesus has forgiven us, and to love one another as Our Lord has asked us to love.
Please use our family to crush the head of the serpent. Ask your Spouse, St. Joseph, Protector of the universal Church, to keep us one in mind and heart with your Son’s Vicar, Pope Francis.
Today you have become the Queen of our hearts and home. May our home be a “City of the Immaculata,” where the Sacred Heart of Jesus reigns forever. Amen. 

The photo above shows two mothers who dedicated their youngest sons to God through Mary. Fr. Victor and I, both born and raised in San Jose California, were both ordained on the same day in 2019.  Fr. Victor’s mom is incredibly involved with the Legion of Mary and my mom pointed me to Our Blessed Mother when I was a child. 

On my mom’s death bed, my sister and I were at our mother’s side and prayed the rosary.  It was not until we finished the whole rosary that my mom took her last breath and died on May 5, 2018. I give thanks to God for that sign, and I owe it all to Our Blessed Mother, in the rosary, during this month of May. Happy Mother’s Day to all! 


Fr. John 

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