Last weekend when we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Body and Blood of the Lord, I mentioned in my bulletin article that the Conference of Bishops in the United States is inviting all [...]
(from USCCB) May 8, 2022 is the 59th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Together, we “pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38; Lk [...]
(from Saint Pope John Paul II, both in his teaching and personal life, strove to live and teach the message of Divine Mercy. As the great Mercy Pope, he wrote an [...]
(from The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us – all of us. And, He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we [...]
Paschal Candle One of the prominent symbols in the sanctuary is the Paschal Candle. We said that candles are signs of reverence and of festivity. One distinct and noteworthy candle is the [...]
In the Roman Missal we find this information: “In the Dioceses of the United States, the practice of covering crosses and images throughout the church from [the fifth] Sunday [of Lent] may be [...]
The word “Alleluia” comes to us from Hebrew and it means “praise Yahweh.” Traditionally, it has been seen as the chief term of praise of the choirs of angels, as they worship around [...]
The scrutinies, which are solemnly celebrated on Sundays and are reinforced by rites of self-searching and repentance, have above all a spiritual purpose. The scrutinites are meant to uncover [...]
Image: Flight into Egypt – Stéphane René (b. 1954) Egypt, 2021 Egg tempera on wood “In Christ, God has now lifted the veil from His face (The Spirit of Liturgy – Ratzinger, p.116).” [...]
It was remarkable when Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI analogously compared Liturgy to a “game” that people play. He wrote, it is like a game that has its own rules and sets up its own world. It is a [...]