Catechetical Sunday
Each year, the Catholic Church in the United States designates the third Sunday in September as “Catechetical Sunday”. This day is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in the Church’s mission to teach the Gospel to all people by handing on the faith to others in our parish.
The root word katēkhesis (Greek) means “instruction by word of mouth”, and perfectly describes what happens in our classrooms in sharing, storytelling, and lesson. The Catechists of our school, our Faith Formation program, and Sacrament preparation programs responded to a call to share the gift of faith with others. In so doing they found they have deepened their own faith.
The call to be a Catechist can come from various places or people. It may come from the pastor, the principal, or the Faith Formation Coordinator, but ultimately, the call comes from God, whose Holy Spirit inspires and guides.
Today, September 17, 2023, is Catechetical Sunday and the theme is “Renewing the Church with Families of Faith” from 1Cor 16:13-14. Today, those who have chosen this special ministry to serve as catechists in our parish will be called forth and commissioned for their ministry. I ask you to pray for them throughout the year ahead and for all those they teach.
I also ask you to keep your own heart open to the call to catechesis and respond with a YES when it happens. Holy Spirit Parish Faith Formation is in need of a 3rd grade catechist on Sunday mornings. Could this be you? Contact Jane Thompson if you are interested; 408-997-5121 or email