Belonging to Christ

 In Articles

Last Sunday we sent our catechumens, those preparing for the Easter Sacraments, namely Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, to the cathedral for the Rite of Election. They were presented to Bishop Cantú, and he proclaimed them as the Elect of God, meaning they are now ready for the initiation of the celebration sacraments. In his homily, the bishop invited the catechumens to reflect on what it means to “belong” in a special way to be part of God’s people. He reminded them that God calls them by name as He called each one of us in the waters of Baptism. And by knowing them by name, God shows how important and precious they are. Thus, God calls them to “belong” to His Church, the Body of Christ. Congratulations to our Elect!

I invite all of us to continue to journey with our Elect by getting to know them. After all, they will be future members of the Church, the body of Christ. Let us introduce ourselves to them. Share our faith with them. Assure them that we are praying for them, and we look forward to the day when they can share fully around the table of the Eucharist with all of us.

Next weekend, these Elect will begin to celebrate the rite of scrutiny. There are three of these rites. Each one focuses on the three essential aspects of the initiation sacraments. First is water. The story of the Samaritan woman in the gospel of John reminds us that Christ is the living water who can quench our spiritual thirst. In this story, the Elect are reminded of what the baptismal waters offer them.

Second is light. To illustrate this, the Elect are invited to reflect on the story of the healing of the Man Born Blind. Christ is the true light that dispels the darkness of

sin. In this story, the Elect are reminded that Christ opens their eyes to see who they really are, beloved sons and daughters of God.

Third is life. The story of raising Lazarus tells the elect and all of us that the fruit of the sacraments is eternal life. With the death and resurrection of the Lord, we know that Christ destroyed death forever and has restored all of us to everlasting life. This is the ultimate gift of our relationship with Jesus, life with Him forever.

As the Elect enter the final stage of their preparation, let us fervently pray for them, and that the Holy Spirit will guide them and give them the wisdom and courage needed to carry on with their journey in being full-pledged Christians.


Jane Thompson

Faith Formation Coordinator

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