Who is Who?

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

Shortly after Easter, I announced that Bishop Cantu had accepted the recommendation of the clergy personnel board to transfer Fr. John Hoang to Holy Family, effective July 1st. I am grateful to Fr. John for his two years of faithful ministry to our community. As I have said in my previous article, we will miss his gentle spirit and smile. We pray for him and wish him the best as he assumes this new assignment.

The new fiscal year brings a few changes in staff responsibilities. I collaborated with the staff members on how we can be more efficient and effective in our ministries by looking at our gifts and talents. I asked the staff, myself included to prayerfully discern how we can use our God-given gifts to serve you better. The results of those prayers brought about the adjustments in some staff responsibilities as listed below:

Fr. Ritche Bueza, Pastor and Director of Liturgy

Fr. Robert Lamorena, Associate Pastor (effective July 1, 2024)

Mrs. Sally Douthit, School Principal

Mrs. Brie LaCuesta, Vice Principal

Mary Sparacino, Business Manager

Merry Reardon, Pastoral Associate, Director of Faith and Spiritual Formation, Community Building (effective August 1, 2024)

Row David, Pastoral Associate, Director of Youth, Confirmation and Social Ministries

Tim Mascarinas, Director of Music

Jane Thompson, Pastoral Care Coordinator (Effective August 1, 2024)

Melissa Brush, Admin Assistant, Interim coordinator of bulletin and communications

Please note the parish office will now be open Monday to Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers to help us in the front office. If you want more information about this volunteer opportunity, please contact Merry Reardon at merry.reardon@dsj.org or (408) 997-5112.

The new fiscal year, 2024-2025, keeps me hopeful that with your support we can continue to work together to build a community that is aware of the Spirit’s presence, moving all of us along a journey that is faith-filled and joy-filled and above all, always witnessing to the love and life of Jesus.


Fr. Ritche

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