Stressed? Don’t Worry!

 In Articles


You may recall last Sunday as we entered this holy and sacred season of Lent, I mentioned the journey of the Israelites, wandering in the desert for 40 years.   We remember what happened on that journey. It was a time of testing, especially their faithfulness to God. From that journey came forth their true identity as God’s espoused, chosen ones, beloved.

We also reflected on Matthew’s story on how that 40-year journey is echoed in Jesus’ 40 days of journey in the desert, where He fasted and prayed.  There in the desert, Jesus was tempted and confronted by the devil. It was a time of adversity, stress, anxiety, concern, worry.  Out of that experience, out of that adversity, Jesus’ real character began to emerge. He really began to grasp who He was. He came out from the desert transformed. From an anonymous carpenter in Galilee, to someone who was proclaiming God’s word and the presence of the Kingdom.  In Jesus, the covenant was fulfilled.  


We reflected that if Jesus experienced testing and adversity in His Life, we, who have been baptized into the body of Christ, should not be surprised when we experience the same worry, anxiety, stress, testing, adversity, and concern. 


On this Second Sunday of Lent we hear of another journey that gives rise to faith.  In the first reading, the book of Genesis tells us how God called Abram to go on a journey.  He is asked to leave his hometown, leave everything he knew, everything he’d grown up with and all those he loved to go to an unnamed place. And Abram did it with little help.  Imagine the stress and anxiety. 


Similarly in today’s gospel, Jesus invites three of his closest friends to go on a journey up Mount Tabor.  But prior to the transfiguration event, recall how Peter made a profession of faith, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus’ identity was revealed.  After that, Jesus said, “the Son of Man must go up to Jerusalem, suffer and die.” He went on to say, “If you want to follow me, you must take up your cross.”  The disciples could not comprehend what Jesus was saying. There was doubt, questions, fear, stress and worry.  


No wonder Jesus invited his disciples to go on a journey – to Mount Tabor where He was transfigured.  There they heard the voice that said: “This is my Beloved Son, listen to Him.” They were struck with fear.  Jesus said: “Rise, do not be afraid.”  What a calming assurance from the Master!  


Lent is first and foremost, a journey.  Yes, like Abram and Jesus, sometimes the road is not always smooth.  When we started Lent, we were invited to give up something – something we love – something that’s not easy.  If you remember, I mentioned I gave up, rice, bread, chocolates, and yes, even wine.  If you were to ask me how I am doing? I’d say, there is stress, anxiety, worry!  But Jesus’ words in the gospel comforts me, “Rise, do not be afraid.”  Those feelings and experiences are part of our journey.  


Life too is a journey, and that road often is not smooth. Yes, there will be setbacks and stumbles. We will make mistakes. We may even grow frustrated, stressed.  There will be concerns and worries.  Yet, Jesus tells us not to lose hope.  Our faith should make us strong to help carry us on life’s journey.  Keep in mind we are pilgrims traveling on an unfamiliar road, seeking to draw nearer to God. 


Today we gather to be fed with God’s Word and with the Bread of life.  We go forth transfigured.  We go brave and bold, knowing we are not alone on our journey. God provides for what we need, and God is always with us!  




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