Mid Year Financial Check Up

 In Articles

Happy June! 2024 is about half over so I think it’s an appropriate time to review our individual accounts to confirm that everything is up to date. So, before you pack up the car or head to the airport for those most anticipated vacations, I ask everyone using ParishSoft Giving to once again review your information to ensure its accuracy. Important items to check are:

Physical Address

User ID (typically your email address)

Credit Card or Bank Information (this is important if your account or credit card number has changed)

Amount of Recurring Gift (if applicable)

Please update any information, as needed.

If you are not enrolled in ParishSoft Giving, we ask you to consider this option. The set-up is easy and will allow you to make your offerings in a very safe and convenient way, particularly if you are out of town or uncomfortable attending liturgy in person. You identify the length of time you wish to contribute, the amount and frequency of your gift (weekly, monthly, etc.). In addition, you can submit an offering for Holy Days, second collections, various parish programs and community building events – all of this done using ParishSoft Giving.

To set up an account, simply go to the Parish website, select “Giving Back,” and then choose “Online Giving.” For first-time users, select “Sign In” and follow the instructions to set up your account. If you have questions or need assistance in setting up your account, do not hesitate to contact me at mary.sparacino@dsj.org or call me at (408) 997-5111. I am here and happy to help!

If you wish to make your gift on a regular basis but do not want to set up a “recurring gift,” make sure to select “one-time” gift when making your donation.

If you are currently receiving envelopes for your offertory gifts and no longer need them, please email me to remove you from the list. On the flip side, if you would like to receive envelopes, notify me, as well. Please note that envelopes are sent every quarter. Depending on when I notify our vendor, it may take a few months to add or delete you from the list.

If currently employed, please consider checking with your employer if they provide a “corporate match” program. For example, if you donate $100 to Holy Spirit, the corporation will match your gift. How easy is that! Make sure to check with your Human Resources Department to ensure that Holy Spirit is listed as an acceptable non-profit organization and confirm the necessary steps for the match. If Holy Spirit Church is not listed, check for the “Roman Catholic Bishop of San Jose, a corporation sole.” This is the corporate name for our Diocese so choose this option and designate the gift is for Holy Spirit Church.

Don’t forget! If you are currently taking your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) from a retirement account, you can contribute to the parish using “pre-tax” dollars. Please check with your financial advisor or institution for additional information.

Thank you to all who pledged to this year’s ADA Appeal and do not forget to fulfill your pledge so the parish will receive its full rebate.

On behalf of Fr. Ritche, Fr. John and the entire parish staff, thank you all for your continued generosity and support.

Warmest wishes for a safe, fun, and restful summer,

Mary Sparacino, Business Manager

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