Together in Mission

 In Articles

I would like to sincerely thank all of you for your strong efforts and partnership with the Parish and the Diocese of San Jose in the 2023 Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA). The success of last year’s appeal depended upon your prompt and generous response, and we did it!


For many years, the ADA has supported not only the many ministries of the diocese, but it has also funded the many programs and projects of our community. Last year’s rebate was earmarked for the enhancement of our current sound system in the church. I am happy to say that we are in the process of installing the new equipment. Thank you.


This weekend, we will embark on the 2024 Annual Diocesan Appeal. This year’s theme is “Supporting Our Mission Together.” I believe it is providential that as we launch the ADA, we listen to the story of Jesus’ ministry most especially to the sick and the less fortunate. Notice that Jesus is not doing it on his own. St. Mark says people brought to Jesus all who were ill. Additionally, St. Mark says that as soon that Peter’s mother-in-law was restored to health, she helped, as well. The evangelist’s point is that everyone shares the ministry of Jesus. Jesus initiated and the people responded. I believe that is our calling. We are invited to support and continue the mission of Jesus to bring the good news to all. But supporting also means praying for and funding the ministries – these two are essential for the success of the mission.


As your pastor, I appeal to you for your support in this year’s ADA. Our programs for the children, youth and young adult, seniors, homebound, incarcerated, the less fortunate, and yes including those who have been hurt and alienated by society depend on you. Your response to be part of the ministry is essential for its success. You have been very generous to our community. Your contributions enable us to do what we are doing. But we also know that there are unforeseen expenses – that is just the reality in maintaining our facilities. With all the rain that we received last year and continue to get this year, thanks be to God, roof leaks were discovered in the parish hall, and ultimately, the roof had to be replaced. Now, unfortunately, the church’s roof is leaking, and work will need to be done there. I need your help.


So, what am I asking? Our 2024 ADA goal is set for $300,000. That’s sounds a lot, and it is. But we can do it together. Every year, I say, we have approximately 1700 registered families. If every family gave $400, which is payable over 10 months, that is $680,000. Wow! We can easily replace the church’s roof and continue to enhance our many programs. Would you please help us achieve our goal? In addition, if your company is able to match your ADA gift, our goal will be reached even faster, and the parish will benefit even more. If you have questions about matching gifts, please call the parish office and we will help you.


Soon we will begin our Lenten journey. I assure you of my prayers. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us through our Lenten observance. And we give thanks for the gift of the Spirit who continues to be with us.


With gratitude,


Fr. Ritche

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