Together in Christ We Go to Nicaragua!

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

This weekend’s gospel continues with Jesus’ missionary discourse. Recall that in last week’s passage, Jesus called and named the Twelve. He sent them out to perform missionary work with an instruction, “Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Bring hope, healing, life, embracing the least, the lost, and the last.” Then He said: “Fear not! I am with you.” Those are important words from Jesus. He knew His disciples would be met with opposition, but He encouraged them to be persistent in their proclamation of God’s kingdom.


Today I join some of our parishioners as we travel to Nicaragua for our annual missionary trip to help those less fortunate. Isn’t it amazing how God’s words are so alive even this very day. Jesus speaks to us today with the same instruction He gave the first disciples to go and make His kingdom present. We journey to Nicaragua keeping in mind Jesus’ words, reminding us that the work we do is not our work, but it is the Lord’s. As He served, we serve. As He loved, we love. The night before He suffered and died for us, He gave us a new commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you. As I have done, so you must do!” Thus, we are sent forth today and every day as His modern-day disciples. In each of our missionaries, in word and action, God becomes palpable and tangible. God is experienced!


I remember speaking with one of the missionaries last year and was deeply touched as he shared some words of wisdom. “The community here in Nicaragua believes they experience

Christ in us. That is so true. But I believe there is a deeper level to that experience. Rather, it is we who experience Christ in them.” I am reminded me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, “whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do it to me.” Our time in Nicaragua is an experience of the presence of the living God. It is about our God reaching out to us in compassion and love. It is about our God who is faithful to His promise, “Fear not, I am with you always until the end of time.”


Friends, I ask you include us in your prayers, yes for our safety, but also that this is a time to deepen our experience and friendship with God and with one another – to see God in the faces of those we serve and experience God’s abundance of mercy and love.


We all thank you for your support. Although you may not be able to join us, we bring your love to all we serve. Let us remember this is not the work of a few, but this is the work of our community. Kudos to all of you and God bless us all.

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