The Month of Mary

 In Articles

Happy month of May, the Month of Mary. What a great month it is as our faith celebrates this month recognizing Our Blessed Mother. Why might you say?

In ancient Greece and Rome, the month of May was dedicated to pagan goddesses connected to fertility and springtime. This combined with other European rituals commemorating the new season of spring, led many Western cultures to view May as a month of life and motherhood. Hence, this could also be the reason we celebrate Mother’s Day in May. We also look to Mary as the perfect Mother of us all.

In John 19:26-27 Jesus says, “Woman, behold, your son!” and then he turned to John, “Behold your mother!”  He calls us all children of Mary who believe and trust in Him to the moment of His dying and rising from the dead, and never leaving His side like John. This month is Mary’s because she is an important part of our Catholic identity. Because of her “Yes” we have Jesus, the Godman who has become flesh and remains with us in the flesh at every Mass. Let us celebrate this month of May recognizing Mary as the church building who holds her son Jesus still in her womb in the tabernacle of every church. May Mary guide us to her son. Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us…

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