Spiritual Workout

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Reflection by Row David, Pastoral Associate


“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7


Last Christmas, my cousin Francis gave me a gift. He asked what my plans were for September 10, 2023. I usually kick off the 3sixty high school ministry the weekend after Labor Day but given the ample notice, I hadn’t set the date. I told Francis that I had nothing going on at the moment. He said, “Good, because I signed you up for a Half Ironman! Merry Christmas!!” I thanked him but rather sarcastically as I have never done a triathlon. Francis is a beast of an athlete. He’s done multiple marathons and multiple Ironman’s both half and full. I’m a swimmer and can run but by no means am I a cyclist. So this triathlon, at this distance, was going to test me.


I started my training. Spending whatever free time I could given my weird work schedule to swim, bike, and run. I asked Francis some pointers on how to train, what to expect during the race, how the transition from one discipline to the next looks like, how to keep up with nutrition during the race, and the gear needed. It was daunting but I was making progress and moving forward…little by little.


Nothing could have ever prepared me for race day…especially it being my first ever triathlon. But last month, I completed a 70.3 mile triathlon – 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and a 13.1 mile run. 8 hours of pain but I made it across the finish line. I could have never finished the race if it wasn’t for the preparation and the training.


Upon reflection, I think the same is true with our spiritual lives. We are in this race called life and we are given obstacles, courses, challenges to navigate. Having consistent “spiritual workouts” like praying, going to Mass, taking time to sit still and reflect, recognizing blessings in life, and nourishing your relationship with Christ and with others helps navigate these challenges. For example, nothing could have ever prepared me for the death of my three month old nephew back in 2018. That shook me to my core and I had to spiritually navigate a marathon whilst still trying to minister to the youth. But it was my prayer life, my faith and trust in the Lord, and the support and love of the Holy Spirit Community that helped me move forward…little by little.


Looking back at it now, as tough as it was, the Half Ironman was super fun! As painful as that was, there was joy crossing that finish line. I’m going to continue to swim and run to maintain the shape I’m in (I have no desire for cycling…it’s too expensive!). But more importantly, I’m going to continue to pray, continue to receive Jesus in the Eucharist at Mass, and continue to nourish my relationship with Christ. So that when the next challenge occurs, I’ll be able to take those steps forward…little by little.

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