Sacred Heart of Jesus

 In Articles

June is the month of “THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS!” Our lives are like a storybook that has twists and turns, but one thing that I found out that is the greatest twist in my life is the story of a book that focuses on God above all, because if we believe that God is the reason for everything that exists before us, than we would not be afraid of anything; even in defending the faith. We would also be thankful for the life that God has given us in His creation, not even death itself can bring us fear, we will truly be free from the idea that has us stuck on our own human intelligence, and even now AI intelligence in which we created from God’s gift of our life to do so.

God is beyond all that, and He shows us this by giving us His Mother, and every Saint that we have in our Church to remind us of true human intelligence. Setting our hearts and minds on God is the true human intelligence; it is intelligence that God intended, intelligence to know and Love Him above all things and our neighbor as our self. This is why we have miracles in which I believe that even human intelligence cannot comprehend, but only believe and have faith through our Love of God…

The one greatest miracle is God’s gift to us of himself. A gift of the Mass in where he makes present to us His Body and Blood in the gifts of Bread and Wine we bring to His Altar at mass, one could even say giving us His heart, to unite our hearts with His in receiving Him in the Eucharist. In the Eucharistic miracles some scientist have said that the tissue of the flesh of the Eucharistic miracles have been tested to be from heart tissue. So in a way, what a great connection to this month of June with starting out with Corpus Christi, and dedicating this month to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Jesus in the Eucharist).

This is our storybook that has twist and turns, but with the on going sacraments that we have in our Catholic faith, God wants to twist and turn us back to himself. He is merciful in where He forgives us in reconciliation and turns us back to Him, the creator for us in the small miracle that is containable and consumable, because He loves us so much.

My storybook that God has given me to be your priest at Holy Spirit for two years have been a great one, and I am so thankful for this blessing that He has given me to be a priest, and your priest, especially a priest of five years getting ordained on June 1, 2019 in the starting month of Corpus Christi and the month of “THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS”. I feel that I have accomplished my duties here, but not finished. Thank you everyone who has been present to me and prayed for me on my journey. I will leave at the end of this month knowing that many who have thanked me for the reverence of the Mass, especially in bringing Jesus in a way that some have never seen before gives me joy in my priesthood as one called to be united to the “heart of Jesus.” It is the Love of God that has brought me here, and that Love is in Christ himself truly present to us in the sacraments that we have. Please continue praying for me, and for all priest. Be assured of my prayer for Holy Spirit parish and School.



Fr. John

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