Press PLAY

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““Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” Colossians 3:16

Whenever I find myself stuck in a rut, I turn to this passage in the Bible. Some folks will remind me of their personal devotion to St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music, or share a scripture passage from the Book of Psalms or quote the ancient proverb of “Those who sing pray twice”, but this passage taken from St. Paul’s letter to the Colossians embodies my work as a music minister to all. I embrace this passage so much that it’s the first thing you see on the Music page on our church website. Colossians 3:16 sums up my life’s purpose in presenting and bringing beautiful music to those who need to hear it, those who learn and participate proactively in the process of music-making, and those who simply want to experience it.

I began serving as a music minister at age 7. A family friend who directed the choir at my home parish was looking for musicians, and my parents saw this as an opportunity for me to get involved with the community. I took piano and singing lessons since age 4 and didn’t know what would become of it. That’s how I started. Fast forward to now, my gifts and talents have brought me here to Holy Spirit, and I get to share the fruits of my labor with all of you at every liturgical celebration. I have come to embrace the community of Holy Spirit for the love you have shown me since I’ve been here. Your love and appreciation help me to continue bringing the highest quality of music in the Diocese of San Jose.

My life, just like yours, is a song to God. A song that never ends. Recollect any audio device that you’ve owned in your lifetime and when it comes to life with God and music, to me, there’s only one button shown on the interface, PLAY. Not pause, not stop, not eject. Perhaps there is a rewind and fast-forward option, but the biggest button there is PLAY. To play, by definition, is to engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation. To take part in, to engage and be involved in. There’s no place I’d rather be than to share my gifts with everyone and to live my life knowing that God is always there with me and everyone else. So, when we come together as a community and join the celebration of the Eucharist at the table of the Lord, let’s all press PLAY, if that means anything to you. Our collaborative participation through praise, worship, scripture, and music-making embodies PLAY, so that we can go out into the world and tell the Good News to those who need to hear it, those who learn about Christ, participate at our liturgies, and those who simply want to experience God. When we all decide to Press PLAY, to me, the Church is ALIVE.

-Tim Mascarinas, Director of Music

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