Pastoral Care

 In Articles

Through our baptism we are Christ’s disciples, called to be Him to others. Matthew 25:36-40 is the familiar scripture of “I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink,…naked and you clothed me, sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.” Here at Holy Spirit, we have various Pastoral Care programs that put this scripture into action. The Pastoral Care team is here to help those who are hurting – spiritually, emotionally, or physically. Let me share with you some of what is offered in Pastoral Care.

We visit those of our community who are homebound, taking scripture, prayer and Eucharist to them. It is important for them to know they are still a part of our Holy Spirit family, that we miss their presence in the body of Christ at mass, and we pray for their healing. Visits can also be made to someone who is hospitalized. Contact the Pastoral Care Coordinator and arrangements will be made for a visit by someone from our staff.

Grief Support is offered to people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. They meet in small groups and find useful tools for dealing with the pain and difficulties that the loss of a loved one brings. The new session began on September 5th and will meet for six sessions, ending October 17th.  And, we have programs for Mental Health and Wellness that also meet in small groups, due to start in October 2024. Check the parish calendar for dates or contact the Pastoral Care Coordinator.

Anointing of the Sick, a Sacrament of Healing, conveys God’s grace, through the power of the Holy Spirit, on those who receive it. It provides strength during an illness. This sacrament is offered two times a year during mass, upcoming is the weekend of October 19-20. This sacrament can also be given when someone is in need; contact the parish office at (408) 997-5101.

We pray for…

We hear this all the time in our General Intercession prayers at mass. One is a Mass intention where the sacrifice offered is for someone with a specific reason: maybe an honor to God or to thank him for a blessing received. The other would be a request for prayers said, usually for someone sick or deceased. As a community we pray for their healing or for their soul. There is also the book of prayers that resides near the Marian area. Our praying community, especially those who pray the rosary after morning mass, read these prayers and offer them up to God. Have you ever noticed that we also offer up these prayers in our General Intercessions? “…and all those listed in our book of prayers”

A unique way of prayer is our Prayer Shawl Ministry. A small group of parishioners meet once a month creating prayer shawls for those who want to feel the prayers of others wrapped warmly around them. Contact the Pastoral Care Coordinator for more information on this ministry.

When a person dies, we say goodbye with love and respect in a Funeral Mass. The Pastoral Care team meets with the family to help plan the funeral Mass and we are there through the funeral to assist with all the details and assure the mass goes smoothly. Contact the Pastoral Care Coordinator, Jane Thompson, with questions or assistance in planning a funeral

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a part of the Pastoral Care team here at Holy Spirit, please contact Jane Thompson.

Pastoral Care Coordinator, Jane Thompson:, phone (408) 997-5121.


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