Partnering with the Triune God

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

As we transition from the Easter season into Ordinary Time, the Church gives us two more beautiful feasts, the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi. But if we are not careful, we can look at these two as dogmatic feasts, rather than what they mean in our daily lives.

For thousands of years, theologians have tried to explain the Trinity – God is One in three divine persons. Different images, yes! Even mathematics, and logic have been used, yet it remains a “mystery.”  But solving the mystery is not why the Church celebrates this feast.  Rather it is how this mystery is experienced in our lives.

I believe one of the ways the Trinity is reflected in our lives is to look at the idea of partnership how all of us, the baptized, partner with the Triune God.

The Father, Son, and Spirit are all working together in communion of love. Their unity is expressed in love. The Father sent the Son into the world to bring salvation to all, calling everyone back into friendship with God. But before the Son returned to the Father, He made a promise to us, “I am with you always.”  He also gave us a mission, “Go to the whole world and baptize… teach them all that I have commanded you.”   The Risen Son is with us through the power of the Spirit that guides and encourages each one of us to carry out this mission.

In Baptism, we become God’s beloved sons and daughters. And as His children, we work together in the proclamation of the kingdom of God. Guided by the Spirit in emulating the Son, we manifest God in our lives. People encounter the living God in our every word and action. We manifest the Father’s unconditional love, the Son’s self-giving love, and the Spirit’s abiding presence.

Here in our community, we are in the process of finishing our Holy Spirit Pastoral Plan. It is THE plan that will guide us as we move forward into the future. It is THE plan that will enable us to reveal the Trinity, not as a problem to be solved, but as a reality to live by. Your partnership with me, the parish staff, and the parish leaders is crucial in making this plan a reality.

Having said that, I am very pleased to announce that Bishop Cantu has gifted us with a new collaborator in ministry, a new parochial vicar, Fr. Robert Lamorena. Fr. Robert was ordained today, May 25, 2024, at the Cathedral-Basilica of St. Joseph. Many of you have seen or perhaps met him last weekend at the 9:30am Mass where he served as deacon.

As a new priest, Fr. Robert comes to us full of enthusiasm. He is very excited to work and journey with all of us. I know Fr. Robert as a man of prayer. He is diligent, open to learning, with a gentle spirit and a contagious smile. He will begin his ministry with us on July 1. Please join me in welcoming and congratulating Fr. Robert.

In conclusion, once again, I thank Fr. John Hoang for his two years of partnership with us. We wish him the best and pray for him as he transitions to Holy Family Parish.


Fr. Ritche


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