October – Respect Life Month with Faith, Family, and Charity

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The knitted sweater, bonnet, and booties you see in this picture are mine, knitted by my mom when I was a three-pound, premature baby. My family had been in the U.S. for a few years after fleeing their country and settling in a refugee camp and later to start a new life in San Jose, California. This new life must have been a struggle for my family as they survived a war, immigrated to America and were expecting a new family member. At the time, even though my mom was much older, and the pregnancy was difficult, she chose the route of her faith and of family because she knew that God would provide. And He did, through the charity of believers that helped my family get back on their feet at St. Victor’s parish and St. Vincent de Paul Society’s ministry.


As I grew up, and experienced a bit of life, I recognized how all material things are not as important as our faith in God, family, and the charity we share with one another. This is the belief of my family. And even though their lives changed dramatically, they retained, maintained and embraced these values of past generations.


As the church celebrates Respect for Life Month, let us respect the life that God has given us, and recognize that faith, family, and charity is important in our lives as believers in a creator. Let us continue to pray for the countries at war in the Middle East and Ukraine, for those whose lives have been taken, and also for those who have taken lives.


October is the month of Our Lady of the Rosary. Pray the rosary with your hands this month. I would also like to thank those who donated baby items for families in need. Who knows, your donation could help a future priest in the making!



Fr. John

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