Happy Mother’s Day!

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

The month of May is dedicated to Mary not only as the “Queen of May,” but also as a Mother to Jesus and to all of humanity.  As a mother, Mary sets a great example for us of unwavering faith and trust in God.  Her love and devotion for her Son is an epitome of the God’s love for all of humanity.  As a mother, Mary was always at her Son’s side.  In Jesus’ struggles and pains, Mary was by his side.  When Jesus was first heard preaching, Mary was there to support.  During the time of Jesus’ agony and passion, Mary was there.  At the foot of the cross, she stood strong for her Son and for us. At the foot of the cross, she was given to us as our Mother. That is why Mary was in the upper room with the fearful disciples: to calm, to give strength, to offer wisdom, to forgive, to love, and to pray.  Mary indeed is an epitome of what a mother should be.

“God is love,” is the message of this Sunday’s second reading. And that I believe is the nature of being a mother – an expression of God’s love – a nature that our earth mothers share with our Blessed Mother through their devotion, care, and love for us their children. For through them, we have come to experience the presence of our God through all our life experience of joy, struggles and pain.

This Sunday, we celebrate Mother’s Day. A time to honor and give gratitude to our mothers who nurtured us with love and attention reflecting God’s nurturing attention to us, his own children, as Mary did to Jesus Christ, her son.  As we gather around the Table of the Eucharist, let us give thanks to God for giving us these wonderful women who have fulfilled the role of a mother – biological mothers, stepmothers, foster mothers, grandmothers and godmothers.

Roses have been purchased and are available for mothers in attendance at all masses this weekend as tokens of our gratitude and our love for all of them.  May Mary, the Blessed Mother, the exemplar of divine motherhood, guide you always and pray for you and your children’s protection.  To all our mothers, Happy and Blessed Mothers’ Day!

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