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Hello!  I’m Father Robert!  Starting July 1, 2024, I will be your new Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit Parish.

How did you find out that you were assigned to Holy Spirit Parish?

I found out the news on the Thursday after Pentecost, before my priestly ordination.  With that in mind, when I came and served as a deacon on Pentecost Sunday and joined you to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the parish, I did not know I would be assigned to you.  But what a great joy I have in my heart knowing that I get to call you, Holy Spirit Parish, “home.”  I get to call you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, “family.”  I am overjoyed and thankful to God that He has blessed me with such a vibrant parish.  I look forward to being with you.

What hopes do you have for your assignment?

My hope for my time with you is simple.  I want you to know that God loves you.  I want to help you receive love and then help you share it with others so that all might know that we have a God who loves us and desires to be with us.  Our goal as Christians is to get to heaven, to be with God, but what might be surprising about this goal is that God is already with us and He is helping us grow closer to Him through His grace and through community.  We are called to be holy and since our patron is the Holy Spirit, I am confident that God is blessing us with His grace to respond well to that call to holiness.

Speaking of the call to holiness, how were you called to the priesthood?

In my call to holiness, I was led to the vocation to the priesthood.  I responded to the call by saying yes and I entered seminary in August 2018 and became a priest in May, 2024. Before that, I was serving as a youth and young adult ministry coordinator in the diocese while I worked on as a project coordinator in pharmaceuticals.  I led praise and worship nights, played on music teams on retreats, and I did 1 on 1 discipleship mentoring with college students.  At some point, I just felt a deep love for ministry and a desire to serve in a way where I would commit myself to serving God and His Church.

What are some things you like to do?

I enjoy the Mass.  I enjoy adoration.  I enjoy music and photography.  I enjoy songwriting.  M favorite food is my mom’s cooking.  I enjoy day trips and adventuring all over California.  I am originally from the Greater Los Angeles area and so I have acquired a taste for all things Californian and I love all the different parts of the state.

Last thing, what is something you ask us to pray for on your behalf?

Let’s pray for each other that we will be saints!

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