From God’s Generosity to Yours

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

This weekend we listen to the fifth of the five-week series of Jesus’ bread of life discourse. The story started with the feeding of the multitude. Remember the boy, the one who generously loosened his grip. And when he did that, he created a space for God’s grace to work. Because of his bravery the bread became plentiful, and bellies were filled. I believe that YOU are that little boy. You continue to loosen your grip and share with the community what you have. Your generosity enables us to help and support a multitude of people. As we experience the living God’s active presence in our lives, you never fail to respond with generosity and love.

Having said that, I am grateful for your support of our parish. We have replaced yet another roof – the church roof. This has been on the bucket list of work that needed to be done – necessary work so we can comfortably gather to experience again and again the miracle that took place more than two thousand years ago. As hungry people, we gather in this church, and we are fed with God’s Word and with the sacrament of His Body and Blood. Here in this church, we gather as the body of Christ, nourished, and then sent forth to be the body of Christ to all we encounter.

In this place, Christ’s words become real. God’s all-inclusive love is preached in word and in deed. God’s radical hospitality is celebrated and lived out. In this church we praise our God who is nothing but love.

Once again, I marvel to see God’s hand at work. I am, and will be, forever grateful for your support, kindness, and love. Indeed, you have revealed that the true foundation of this community is kindness and love.

May the Christ, the Bread of Life, sustain all of us on our journey in faith. May He continue to guide us with His Spirit and bless us with His wisdom, patience, understanding, and courage.

Friends, thank you!

Fr. Ritche







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