Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist (EMOE), or commonly known as the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, assist our priest to distribute Holy Communion in a reverent and orderly manner.  Being an EMOE is adding one more layer to deepen your relationship with God and enhance your Mass experience.

Assisting in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ allows you to share with members in our congregation to have an intimate union with Christ. Christ himself, who we receive in Holy Communion,  said to His disciples at the last supper, “Take and eat; this is my body. Then He took a cup, gave thanks and said: ‘Drink from it, for this is my blood of the covenant. Do this in remembrance of me.'” (Mt 26:26-28a; 1 Cor 11:25b). Giving God’s greatest gift, His only Begotten-Son, Christ Jesus, is truly an uplifting experience.

EMOEs are also greeters at the door to help create a warming and welcoming environment.


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