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As Catechetical Coordinator I have the privilege of preparing parents and children for sacraments. This weekend, Holy Spirit Parish is filled with the celebrations of Baptism and First Reconciliation. Personally, I feel closer to Jesus when I witness families bringing their children into the faith. And I find these two sacraments very linked together.

In Baptism we are cleansed of our Original Sin. In the waters of Baptism, we die to sin and rise to Christ Jesus. We become a member of His body, the Church. We are clothed in a white garment, the sign of our Christian dignity, and the priest says, “bring it unstained into eternal life.”

Hmmm, unstained into eternal life. That’s a long way away so how do I do that? The Sacrament of Reconciliation. Jesus gave us this sacrament to help us back onto the straight path to Him when we go astray (think of that shepherd’s staff tugging us back in line). In Reconciliation we talk to the priest, we share our wrong-doings and ask for forgiveness. We receive absolution- God’s way of cleansing us and making us unstained anew.

So, linked together. We cannot receive Reconciliation without having first been baptized, and then having been charged to remain unstained, we need Reconciliation.

Please join me in welcoming Charles Snyder and Brooklyn Pavia into the body of Christ through the Sacrament of Baptism. And join me in congratulating all the children who received their First Reconciliation. Keep these children in your prayers as they continue to grow in love of Jesus Christ. May they always know we walk the journey with them.



Jane Thompson

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