Class of 2024

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Please enjoy an essay written by 8th grade graduate Olivia Elliott about her years at Holy Spirit School.

You don’t realize you’ve grown up until you’re standing in a graduation gown, staring at people you’ve been going to school with for years, some of whom you may not see again. Sure, it’s only middle school graduation, but this is where our lives begin. We’ve been living with the anticipation of high school looming over us, but now that we’ve made it we’re only going to be hit with the reality of college. And, from there, we have to get jobs and become proper adults. It feels as though we’ve spent middle school sprinting, rushing, trying to reach the finish line. We haven’t taken a moment to look around, take a breath, and be grateful.

I’ve spent the last ten years of my life at Holy Spirit School. Some days, I would be on campus until nine or ten o’clock at night doing activities- I mean I practically lived here! For that entire time the same concept was drilled into my brain- live in faith, knowledge and community.

These activities I participated in are the main reason I’m so involved in the Holy Spirit School community. All the way from sports to theater- and that’s a long way- I’ve made friends from all grades and made connections with people I wouldn’t have known otherwise. As a person with a vast variety of hobbies, I admire Holy Spirit’s inclusivity of religious groups, multiple sports, performing arts, and more. I’ve had the privilege of being involved in each of these, and they are all so interesting and immersive in different ways.

I walked into middle school for the first time with a backpack full of things I probably didn’t need, unknowing of whether or not I would succeed. Two years later, I think it is safe to say that, with the help of Holy Spirit’s education system, I found a way to thrive even in the busiest of times. We’ve been blessed with teachers that give their full attention to helping students complete their work and manage their time adequately.

Isaiah 41:10 tells us, ”So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

I know this is true because of the unwavering faith I have developed thanks to my experience at Holy Spirit. I received two Sacraments of Initiation in the Holy Spirit Church: Holy Communion and Confirmation. I didn’t stop at sacraments, though. I continued to immerse myself in the Church, attending Edge Youth Ministry, two mission trips to San Augustine, Texas, and multiple church retreats. These experiences have granted me some of my fondest memories, like playing “I Love My Neighbor” at Edge, laughing on the seesaw in Texas, and going on hikes on retreats. If it weren’t for Holy Spirit, I would not be the person I am in my Catholic faith today.

I’m not only leaving the comfort of of my Holy Spirit classmates and teachers, I’m also leaving the little world created for us and entering the real world. I am filled with so many emotions: excitement, nervousness, but mostly pride of my classmates and friends. I’m also proud to be a part of this wonderful community and to tell people I come from Holy Spirit School.

Go 8th Grade Class of 2024!

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