Celebrate our Parish!

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

When we launched the Parish Renewal Initiative one of the concerns you shared with me is that we don’t have enough community gatherings outside of Mass. You shared with me how much you miss seeing people, talking with them, sharing stories and meals with them. Although you understood the reasoning behind it, (the pandemic), it was very clear that you would like to begin to see more of these gatherings.

Joyfully, I invite you to join us for our Parish Picnic on Sunday, June 5, 2022, 1:00PM-4:00PM. As I announced last weekend, this will be a great opportunity for us to gather together to build and make our community stronger. There will be good food, entertainment, and different activities for both children and adults.

Our picnic is also a time to celebrate our parish’s feast day, the Solemnity of Pentecost. It is our chance, as parish, to thank our God for the gift of the Holy Spirt and the birth of the Church. We will remember, that in His goodness, God sent the Spirt among us to give the strength, courage, and wisdom needed to continue the work of the Risen Jesus. We are also reminded that, as Jesus said, we are not left orphans, because the Risen Jesus continues to be with us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Although we live in very uncertain times, we know that God is active and alive in our lives through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us, directs us, and yes even challenges us as we discern and make life’s decisions. It is also the Spirit who empowers us to do our ministry – to proclaim the word of God, to sing His praises, to distribute the Body of Christ, welcome people, serve at Mass, go to Nicaragua and Texas to help those in need, sort and bag produce, prepare sandwiches, teach and catechize, comfort and console the grieving and hurting and so much more.

Our parish continues to thrive because the Spirit is so alive in each one of us. What a gift we have been given! Come and join us to help us celebrate the gift of our parish and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Bring your family and your friends and let us say all together: Thank You!

To RSVP simply click here. I look forward to seeing you and celebrating with all of you!

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