Alpha Kick-Off!

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

In the gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus poses an important question to His followers. He asked, “Who do you say that I am?”

I believe that is a question we need to ask ourselves every day. “Who is Jesus for us?” I must admit this is a difficult question because it is about our experience of Jesus. It is about our relationship with the Good Lord.

Our Alpha program, which begins on September 12th, will help us in our reflection on how to respond to Jesus’ question. Additionally, it will deepen our knowledge of Christ, our relationship with Him and reflect on how God continues to be active in our daily lives. Our friendship with the Lord is at the core of who we are as Christians.

Let us all pray for those beginning their Alpha journey as I am sure they will pray for all of us. I am confident we will be able to achieve greater things – together with Christ!

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