A Gift of Opportunity

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Reflection and testimony by Row David

During the 2014 Nicaragua mission trip, we were working in La Chuscada village. We were divided into separate groups to work at different family homes for them to have a modern bathroom. This bathroom will have a flush toilet system and a shower, all with clean running water. With the family I was working with, there was this young boy, Jarvin who was roughly 10 years old, watching us work, talking to us, and occasionally helping us out. I befriended Jarvin as we worked on his house each day. He taught me Spanish and I taught him English.


Two years later, in our 2016 trip, we returned to La Chuscada work on the school. Upon digging and mixing concrete, I noticed in the corner of my eye, Jarvin, who came to visit the worksite as he had heard that Holy Spirit was back. He immediately came up to me and gave me a big hug. He even remembered the English that I taught him specifically the phrase, “Do you want chicken?”


It was a blessing to return to Nicaragua this past summer after not being able to for the past two and a half years. During our off day we visited La Chuscada and the Amigos Academy, the same school that we helped build many years ago. When we arrived at the academy, I got off the bus, and to my surprise, Jarvin, was there. Now 18 years old and a fully grown man! It was great to chat with him and it was even greater to see that he is doing well.


The Gifts of Opportunity that we at, Holy Spirit, participate in really makes a difference. From helping fund supplies, to school materials, to bathrooms, etc. My friend Jarvin was a direct recipient of the kindness and generosity of our donations. Jarvin is just one of many who are impacted greatly.


Please consider donating this wonderful gift to our friends in Nicaragua.

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