2022 HS Nicaragua Mission Trip

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

This weekend, 42 missionaries from our parish are in Nicaragua. It is my first time to join in this beautiful missionary work. Although I am bit anxious, I am excited to experience the work that Holy Spirit has been doing many years. I have heard so many positive things about it – the bonding between missionaries, the joy of helping our brothers and sisters in need, the spiritual growth, and the ability to bring the presence and the love of God.

I find it interesting that our Gospel reading for this weekend is the story of the Good Samaritan. It is a story that is familiar to us. A story that speaks about what God is calling all of us become and what God is inviting us to do.

For the past several years, our community has gone to Nicaragua, not just to help build houses, school, and water system, but we go to bring the very presence of Christ. We bring with us the message that God has not forgotten them. Despite how challenging life is for them, the Lord reaches out to them. Our missionaries are the hands, the feet, the heart, the eyes, the mouths, and the ears of the Lord Jesus.

We all know the plight of the people of Nicaragua, we have heard it and seen it on the news. Today, like the Good Samaritan in the gospel, we travel to Nicaragua more to be “inn keepers” to whom the Samaritan entrusted the wounded man – to help and care for our brothers and sisters in need.

I ask that you please include all of us in your prayers. Pray that this be a time of spiritual growth and renewal for all the missionaries. Let us ask the Lord, who is the One and true Good Samaritan, to give all of us the wisdom and strength we need. May God keep us safe and healthy as we do His work.

I look forward to sharing with all of you stories and experiences of our encounter with God upon our return.

Hasta luego y que Dios los bendiga a todos!

P.S. On Tuesday, July 12 work will begin on the church and school parking lots. The paving contractor has informed us that any vehicles on the property during this time will be towed at the owner’s expense. Please take note of the days when the parking lot will be closed. Thank you for your cooperation. We hope to finish in a few weeks.

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