What a Wonderful Mission Trip!

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

The Nicaragua Mission was a great experience for me personally. The people of Chinandega, particularly those who are affiliated with Amigos for Christ, have shown us what it means to be a follower of Jesus. It reminded me of Our Lord’s words on the night of the Last Supper, “I give you a new commandment, love one another as I have loved you.”

The love that Jesus talked about is not a romantic love, but one that uplifts the poor, fills the hungry with good things, protects and upholds the dignity of every human person. It is a love that continues to give.

Being born in one of the developing countries, I thought I knew what poverty means. But I was proven wrong. There is nothing to compare to what the people of Nicaragua continue to experience- the lack of basic needs such as clean water, access to decent housing, lack of good education and others.

My trip to Nicaragua, made me realize how fortunate and blessed we are in so many ways. There is so much for which we should thank God. And sometimes we take those blessings for granted. What I learned from this trip is how to truly appreciate what we have.

I would like to thank the “Amigos for Christ” for their hospitality. Thank you as well to Row David, Carin and Cliff Santikul, Rebecca Craig, David Morreira, and Maria Villaseñor for coordinating this year’s mission to Nicaragua. To all the missionaries, I am very grateful for your willingness to bring Christ’s work to our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua. You made it an unforgettable and faith-filled experience.

Will I go back to Nicaragua? Absolutely! I hope you can join us next year, and maybe bring along a friend! Missionaries, don’t forget to share your stories of encountering Christ.

Gracias mis amigos en Cristo! Hasta el proximo mission en Nicaragua!

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