Transforming Lenten Service

 In Mental Health & Wellbeing

Transforming Lenten Service, transformed for Pandemic living

Feeling frustrated by the lack of opportunities to serve others as the Pandemic continues to keep us safely distanced?  Here’s just a short list of suggestions of compassionate acts of service that can easily fit into the 40 days of Lent 2021!

  1. Take a CPR class.
  2. Donate diapers or formula to Sacred Heart Community Services.
  3. Introduce yourself to someone 6 feet apart at outdoor mass.
  4. Pray daily for someone on the Parish prayer list.
  5. Give blood. Yes, you can! Make an appointment at
  6. Open a door for someone and stand back to let them pass.
  7. Help an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping.
  8. Wave at someone you don’t know.
  9. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Call two someones!
  10. Write a letter to someone who is sick or homebound.
  11. Have your whole household commit to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  12. Volunteer with Catholic Charities at a food distribution location.
  13. Unplug and go offline for a day. Do something creative with your hands.
  14. Commit to a family meal at least twice a week.
  15. Volunteer to usher at outdoor mass.
  16. Apologize to someone.
  17. Let someone go ahead of you in line at a store.
  18. Forgive Someone.
  19. Tell someone “I love you.”
  20. Spend 20 minutes in silence with God.



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