Give Us This Day Books and Holy Spirit School

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

On the Word of God…
“Give us this day our daily bread…” The celebration of the Eucharist consists of two very significant parts: Liturgy of the Word and  Liturgy of the Eucharist. So often we tend to put more emphasis on the latter part.  In the Liturgy of the Word, the Church feeds the people of God from the table of his Word (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 51). The Scriptures are the word of God, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In the Scriptures, God speaks to us, leading us along the path to salvation.

The Word of God nourishes our soul. It helps us see and experience how God is truly present in our world today. It opens our eyes and challenges us to encounter the Risen Jesus in the people we meet and every experience we have.

Every month the parish provides us with “Give Us This Day” to help us in reflecting on God’s Word. This little book contains a reflection on the daily readings. It also has the morning and evening prayer specially for all of us who are either busy or just merely looking for tools that would help us stay focus for the day.

For the past several months it has been very challenging for us to distribute the book because of the pandemic. I would like all of you to help us decide which subscription of Give Us This Day would be efficient: an actual booklet or an online subscription. We would like to make sure we can make this as convenient as possible so that we can offer you the tools you need in enhancing your spiritual life.

Kindly fill out the survey below. Your answers will be very helpful in deciding how to proceed. Thank you very much.


On Holy Spirit School…
Last Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced the State’s decision regarding the opening of schools. I am sure it was a tough decision for him to make. This makes it very challenging for parents as well especially as the new academic year is just around the corner.

I believe Holy Spirit school is one of the best in the Diocese. We continue to enhance the curriculum to prepare our students for higher education. We also have upgraded our technology making it easier for students to learn. In addition, we have mastered distance learning even before it was mandated in mid-March.

What is even more significant is that we do not only focus on the academic formation, but we also acknowledge the importance of forming our students spiritually. Yes, we partner with the parents in making sure that we help our students grow to become mature disciples of Jesus Christ. In order to do that, the school offers weekly celebration of the Eucharist, retreats and days of recollection, different prayer experiences, and sacramental preparations.

During these unprecedented times, we are committed to continuing all of that, if not all, most of them virtually. I believe that the spiritual component is something that is unique to all Catholic schools. This is the time when we need to help each other in bolstering our faith and ensuring that our children get a balanced formation both academically and spiritually.

I encourage parents to call our school, ask questions as to how we are preparing for the coming school year; let our school faculty and staff guide you in that decision. You are not alone on this journey; we are here to partner with you. We are here for you.

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