Congratulations, Holy Spirit School!

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

It was twenty years ago that, our Holy Spirit Catholic school was established. At the inception of our parish, Fr. Thomas Murray, our founding pastor dreamt of having a school. He wanted to make sure that the children are not only formed spiritually, but also academically. Pictures of Fr. Murray going around the school while it was being built showed how excited he was that his dream for Holy Spirit would soon come true. Indeed, when the doors of this school opened, it was truly a day of great joy.

I believe that this school is a very important ministry of our parish. Children are educated and prepared for their future. The school is also a way to begin forming fellow disciples who would eventually collaborate in continuing the work of Jesus Christ.

The Vision Statement of our school says the following:

Holy Spirit School is recognized for sending forth into the greater community, Christ-centered, compassionate and confident leaders and problem-solvers who exercise moral courage and service to others in their daily lives.

Our dedicated and knowledgeable faculty guides the students to fully engage in their education. Using a rich array of teaching methods, teachers meet the students where they are, and challenge them to flourish in academic performance and development of life skills.

We answer Jesus’ call to love one another by fostering a culture of respect and understanding between and among students, parents, staff, parishioners and our world. We offer our students enriching, vibrant co-curricular opportunities to discover and develop their God-given talents.

This has been the guiding principle of our school and we continue to adhere to it.  Our school is committed to working with students in partnership with their parents towards achieving academic excellence.

Our school has helped 933 students ready for higher education. We are very proud of its many alumni. Today, we celebrate our school. We give thanks for the gift of what we have achieved. And we cherish what our school is all about, a school that forms disciples that will continue the mission of the Lord.

I’d like to thank the Mr. Greg Vohs, Mrs. Lisa Coulter, the teachers, and staff of our school for their commitment and dedication. I realize this has been a very difficult year. I am very grateful for their hard work. The effort and the energy that they continue to share with all of us is a testimony of their love for our students. Also, a special word of gratitude to Benito and Veronica, our school custodians, for continuing to serve our school. They continue to ensure that our school is kept clean and sanitized so that our students are safe and comfortable.

I thank the parents for allowing us to partner with them in the formation of their children. To our benefactors, donors, and to all of you who contribute to the success of our school, thank you!

Finally, I congratulate our school community for the wonderful 20 years of service that forms the whole person through faith, knowledge and community.

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