“Let the Children Come to Me!”

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

In the gospel of Mark, there is a scene where the disciples were indignant because Jesus welcomed the children. Jesus’ response was: “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them.” As Jesus loved adults, he too loved the children. In fact, He says, “unless you become like children you cannot enter the kingdom of God.

In Jesus’ response, he talks about the childlike qualities of openness, curiosity, and willingness to learn.

Having said that, I encourage parents who have children in grades K to 5 to register them in our faith formation program. Likewise, I am also asking parents who have children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, to enroll in our domestic church program.

We also have our Children’s Liturgy of the Word that takes place on Sundays at the 9:30am Mass. This program gives the children the opportunity to break open the Word of God at their level.

These are just a few of the ways we can partner with the parents in ensuring that our children continue to know God and deepen their experience of God.

To do this, we need the support of catechists. Our Faith Formation program needs a few more catechists who guide and teach our children. If you believe you are called to be a catechist, I encourage you to contact Jane Thompson, our faith formation coordinator at jane.thompson@dsj.org or (408) 997-5121.  She will be very happy to answer any questions you might have.

In our Parish Renewal Initiative, many of you mentioned the desire to re-engage. Involvement in our catechetical program is one of the ways we can all re-engage including the parents and children. With your collaboration it is my hope to continue to strengthen our community by inviting everyone to participate actively and consciously in the life of the parish.

Today, consider helping us in this beautiful and meaningful ministry of catechesis!

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