Journeying with St. Matthew!

 In Articles, Pastor's Notes, Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about the Jesus of St. Luke. Last weekend, as we began a new year in the Church, we note that we will journey with another gospel writer, St. Matthew. One will immediately notice how differently Matthew describes Jesus. Simply stated, Matthew has a different audience. He is writing to a community that is mainly Jewish.


Matthew’s emphasis is a Davidic Jesus. Keep in mind David was revered as one of the best kings in the Hebrew Scriptures. For the Jewish people, the Messiah, the Christ, is someone like David; one who is majestic and powerful. Matthew even emphasizes this in the genealogy of Jesus, which begins his gospel. Matthew wanted to prove that Jesus was from the lineage of David, significant to the Jewish understanding of the Christ.


As we journey with St. Matthew, be mindful of the beautiful stories and images used to tell us about God. Matthew reminds us of God’s great promise to all of us which begins with the story of the birth of Jesus. He is named Emmanuel which means, God is with us. At the end of his gospel, Matthew alludes to that promise by reminding us of Jesus’ words before ascending to the Father, “I will be with you until the end of time.”


I believe it is good to remind ourselves of that promise. We who live in this time in history where there is so much division, strife, violence, hatred, and misunderstanding. Amid all of these, God says: “I am with you.” The season of Advent invites us to stay awake, to be mindful, to be watchful because God is in our midst.


Sadly, Advent has become more a time to be busy, than a season to be mindful of God, who is active in our lives today. Matthew tells us in the gospel for the First Sunday of Advent to “Stay awake and be prepared!” God is here! His name is Emmanuel, God is with us! That is the promise!


As we continue with the season of Advent and listen to St. Matthew, I pray that the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see God; opens our hearts to experience God in our midst; and opens our hands to share God’s presence with everyone we encounter.


Happy Advent Everyone!

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