Forming Disciples

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

Towards the end of the Gospel of Matthew, the Risen Jesus, before ascending to the Father, commissioned His disciples with these words: “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit teaching them ALL that I have commanded you.”  The Lord’s instructions were very clear, we need collaborators in the proclamation of the Kingdom.

I believe that in order for us to “make disciples,” of anyone, we begin the process

while they are still young as attested by our current Faith formation program.

In this ministry, we prepare our youth as to how God is constantly involved in our lives by teaching them the fundamentals of the Sacraments, such as Reconciliation and the Eucharist, as “outward signs of an inward grace.”  Fundamentals that we must constantly nurture in their minds and hearts, not only through our teachings but also by our examples.

Our Faith Formation programs and activities seek to provide opportunities for all members of your family to deepen and share their faith within the parish community.  Religious formation is about a relationship with Jesus Christ.  It’s not simply learning about God, but a time to introduce God and to experience God’s love through prayer, the Bible, liturgy, and community.

In his latest book, Generations Together, John Roberto reaffirms a traditional, but very rich notion that faith formation informs, forms, and transforms the person -whether child, youth, or adult – into a robust, vital, and life-giving Christian faith that is holistic; a way of the head, the heart, and the hands.

I am encouraging all parents to avail themselves with the different programs of our parish’s faith formation.  During this very unique time in our world, we have to work closely with our diocesan faith formation directors and youth ministers to make sure that we offer a very nurturing program for the spiritual formation of our young ones.

We are grateful for the gift of modern technology that allows us to continue our ministry.  Currently, all of our meetings will be done virtually to ensure the safety of all.  Despite the challenges of “distanced learning” I am sure that your children will enjoy, grow, and mature in their relationship with our God preparing them to be our co-workers in God’s vineyard.

Should you have any questions and/or comments about our faith formation program contact Merry Reardon ( and Row David ( They will be happy to assist you.


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