A Note from Fr. Edgar

 In Pastor's Notes-Fr. Ritche

My God stands by me, All my trust is in Him – Rev. Edgar M. Elamparo, I

I realize that my assignment here at Holy Spirit Parish has gone so fast and has come to an end. I have received countless blessings from this community – blessings of faith, of love and of service. Blessings that are vibrant, overwhelming, inspiring, and uplifting. You all gave me a great welcome with lots of warm love, and stellar care. These are the reasons why my first assignment as a priest was so awesomely smooth and effective. These were also the reasons why I braved and enjoyed my stay here at this parish. This is where I gained the confidence necessary for my growth and continued formation. One of the many things I learned from you was the importance of “presence,” i.e., being with the people and for the people.

It is in “presence” where a healthy relationship begins. Christ Jesus’ presence was everywhere as we read in the scriptures, even in the Old Testament, and of course, especially in the New Testament. His presence made the difference. It was in His presence where everything came to fruition – from creation to the fulfilment of the promise of Salvation. Another thing I absorbed from you was being a missionary disciple, i.e., as USCCB puts it, a new road map, a strategic plan, for the Church’s journey to evangelize, not only by words but by actions as well. I saw the presence of Christ Jesus in all of you. You are truly missionary disciples! Keep that faith in you and please continue to share it with your families, your neighbors, your friends, and with this community.

I served you, my dear friends, for four fruitful years. Ever since I arrived, you have all been great to me. Again, each one of you brought me joy and hope, and most especially your heartwarming presence and love. Please continue to pray for me and for all priests and seminarians because through your prayers we can persevere and endure the challenges of priesthood ministry. Rest assured that I will keep you all in my prayers.

As all of you know, I have been assigned to Saint John the Baptist in Milpitas as parochial vicar starting July 1, 2022. I also ask for your prayers that God continues to work within me so I can serve the community of Saint John the Baptist well and hopefully good.

Thank you, Father Ritche and Father Brendan, for being my mentors.

Thank you to the parish and school staff for all your collaboration, support, and help.

Thank you to all our volunteer ministers and its servant leaders for all your arduous work.

Thank you to the Community of Holy Spirit for accepting, welcoming, and treating me like a family and a friend.

Holy Spirit Parish will truly and always have a special place in my heart. I will deeply miss you all. God bless you all and may God keep you all in His sight, guidance, and protection. ‘Til we meet again. I love you all.

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